Institute of Landscape Ecology of Slovak Academy of Sciences (ILE SAS)

The Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (ILE SAS) is a research institute devoted to basic and applied landscape ecological research on an interdisciplinary basis. The research of ILE SAS focuses on global environmental challenges, social-ecological systems, new technologies, and the implementation of scientific knowledge into practice.

Founded in 1990, ILE SAS has a long history of research and education, with significant international recognition for its contributions to landscape planning and ecosystem management. The institute evolved from earlier organizations, including the Department of Biology and Landscaping in the Biological Institute, SAS (1961–1964), the Institute of Landscape Biology, SAS (1965–1974) and the Centre of Biological-Ecological Sciences, SAS (1975–1990). 

Recently has ILE SAS two branches, located in Bratislava and Nitra. To modernize the institute’s infrastructure, two new laboratories were established from European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project: Centre for Applied Earth Observation (CAEO) – which focuses on collecting, processing, and storing remote sensing data and the Field Ecosystem Laboratory – which specializes in collecting in-situ data. ILE SAS also operates a field research station in Východná, which serves as a base for research activities in the mountains of central Slovakia.

ILE SAS is known for developing the internationally recognized LANDEP methodology, which has been referenced in Agenda 21 for sustainable resource management. The institute conducts research in Slovakia’s UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, contributing to ecosystem management through interdisciplinary approaches. It also conducts long-term ecological research at six research sites within LTER platform. ILE SAS participated in 17 EU Framework Programme projects and is currently involved in two Horizon Europe initiatives. The institute provides education for Ph.D., bachelor’s, and master’s students in landscape ecology and environmental sciences.

Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava

The Faculty of Natural Sciences at Comenius University was officially established in 1940, though its foundation had been planned as early as 1919. Before its creation, some scientific disciplines, particularly geography, had been taught at the Faculty of Arts since 1921. The faculty’s establishment was accelerated by the closure of Czech universities in 1939, which forced Slovak students to complete their studies in Slovakia. Initially, it housed institutes for geography, zoology, botany, geology, mineralogy, physics, astronomy, and mathematics, gradually expanding its academic scope. In 1950, these institutes were reorganized into departments covering mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, and geology. A separate Faculty of Geological and Geographical Sciences was created in 1952 due to growing national demand for specialists, but it was reintegrated into the Faculty of Natural Sciences in 1959. The faculty continued expanding, establishing specialized departments such as organic chemistry, biochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. In 1980, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics was created, leading to the separation of those disciplines from the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Between 1967 and 1988, the faculty moved to the Mlynská dolina campus, bringing its various departments together in modern facilities. Since 1990, it has focused on molecular biology, biotechnology, and environmental sciences, reinforcing its strong reputation in research and education.

IALE Europe

The European Association for Landscape Ecology – IALE-Europe – was founded in 2009 during the European Congress of Salzburg. IALE-Europe has been created to represent consistently the common landscape ecology approach at the European scale. The goals of IALE-Europe are:

  • To harbour all the individual members from regions or countries in Europe where there is no active national chapter, allowing their approaches and the landscapes they are working with, to be represented at a relevant scale.
  • To collaborate actively with the existing and active national chapters to join efforts for the promotion of activities particularly relevant for European landscapes.
  • To collaborate actively with the IALE-International in order to strengthen the impact of the landscape ecology research, education and practice, partially by supporting the recognition of the existing differentiation of landscapes and perspectives worldwide. 
  • To contribute actively to the knowledge in society about the complex natural and cultural interactions of European landscapes; the added value of the landscape ecology integrative perspective; and the need for a much more systemic research approach. We aim do this through the permanent and open dialogue with European institutions and decision-makers.

Czech Society for Landscape Ecology (IALE-CZ)

IALE-CZ is a regional organization of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, whose mission is to support the development of landscape ecology as a scientific base for research, analysis, planning and management landscapes in the world, together with the promotion of international cooperation and cross-disciplinary synergism through scientific, professional, educational and communication activities.
IALE-CZ is a professional society bringing together scientific, professional and teaching staff, students and amateurs who deal with the landscape ecology. The mission of IALE-CZ is to contribute to the development of the landscape ecology in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and mediating communication between interested professionals, researchers, educators, managers, regional planners and decision-makers interested not only at the national level. At the same time, the company participates in educational and research activities, programs, projects and organization of various professional meetings.
IALE-CZ annually organizes regular conferences, field practice and seminars on current topics. Since 2007, IALE-CZ publishes fully peer-reviewed scientific journal, the Journal of Landscape Ecology with the International Editorial Board, focusing on actual problems of Landscape Ecology, especially within Central Europe.

Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU)

Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU) is a public institution with a long tradition of excellence in teaching and research that has driven new ways of thinking since 1919 and proudly bears the name of Gregor Johann Mendel, the founder of modern genetics.

MENDELU offers more than 100 graduate degree programmes in the Czech and English languages. MENDELU comprises one university institute and five faculties. The modern university campus is located in Brno, the second-largest city in the Czech Republic, the heart of Europe. Brno is one of the best student cities in the world; in 2018 it ranked among the Top 10 QS Best Student Cities as rated by students.