As part of our ongoing efforts to foster academic collaboration and dissemination, we are pleased to announce that we have established strong connections with the editors of several renowned journals. These partnerships provide participants with valuable opportunities to publish their work, whether as individual papers or as part of special issues dedicated to specific themes. We invite you to explore these possibilities, contributing to the growing body of knowledge in your field while gaining broader academic exposure.

Ecosystem Services – special issue

Ecosystem Services is one of the top-ranked journals in environmental sciences, with a 2023 impact factor of 6.1 and a Q1 ranking in Clarivate. The journal’s high visibility makes it an excellent platform for publishing research related to landscape ecology.
This is a fantastic chance for those hosting or participating in sessions at the IALE 2025 conference to enhance the impact of their work.
For more information on the Special Issue proposal process and characteristics, please refer to the details below.
Special Issue proposal process and characteristics

Landscape Ecology special isssue

Landscape Ecology, an open access publication, is the flagship journal of a well-established and rapidly developing interdisciplinary science that focuses explicitly on the ecological understanding of spatial heterogeneity. Landscape Ecology draws together expertise from both biophysical and socioeconomic sciences to explore basic and applied research questions concerning the ecology, conservation, management, design/planning, and sustainability of landscapes as coupled human-environment systems. Landscape ecology studies are characterized by spatially explicit methods in which spatial attributes and arrangements of landscape elements are directly analyzed and related to ecological processes.
For more information on the Special Issue proposal process and characteristics, please refer to the details below.
Guide for Collection Proposals

Landscape Research – special issue

Landscape Research, the peer-reviewed journal of the Landscape Research Group, is one of the foremost journals in its field. A dedicated international forum for debating landscape, the journal is distinctive in its combining of high-quality and innovative research papers with reflective critiques of landscape practice.
The Special Issue should focus on one coherent session, adressing more with human issues (design, planning, perception etc). However, good theoretical papers are preferred over case studies.
A special issue proposal form can be found at: (a small hyperlink in the section just before style guidelines).
A special issue usually includes 10 papers. There is a free slot at the end of 2027 (papers ready by summer 2027).  In addition, there is a possibility of having a supplementary issue, which should be negotiated separately.

Landscape and Urban Planning 

Participants of the IALE Europe Congress 2025 will have an opportunity to propose a special issue in Landscape and Urban Planning. The proposal will be assessed by the Co-EiCs of the journal. It needs to be detailed, with a list of authors and the papers to be included in the special issue, in accordance with the Guide for Authors on the website:

Landscape and Urban Planning is an international journal aimed at advancing conceptual, scientific, and applied understandings of landscape in order to promote sustainable solutions for landscape change. More information about the Journal can be found on the website.

Geografický časopis (Geographical Journal)

Geografický časopis (Geographical Journalpublishes original and timely scientific articles that advance knowledge in all the fields of geography and significant contributions from the related disciplines. Papers devoted to geographical research of regions and localities (mainly on Slovakia and Central and Eastern Europe) and to theoretical and methodological questions of geography are especially welcome. 
The journal is published quarterly as an Open Access journal. Articles in the Journal are distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial License. 
For more information about the journal, please visit the webpage:

Ekológia (Bratislava) 

The Ekológia (Bratislava) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes articles addressing theoretical, methodological as well as practical issues related to ecological problems.
In this context, the contributions should address the five thematic domains: population ecology, ecosystems ecology, landscape ecology, nature conservation and human impact. For more information about the journal, please visit the webpage:

Journal of Landscape Ecology

The Journal of Landscape Ecology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes articles focused on spatial and temporal heterogeneity in natural and cultural landscapes and supports the integration of geo-, bio-, and socio-sciences at the landscape level.
For more information about the journal, please visit the webpage: