Call for Abstracts
We are pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for the IALE 2025 European Landscape Ecology Congress. It is possible to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentation. While the Congress will primarily focus on European themes, we warmly welcome contributions and participation also from beyond Europe.
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline: February 28, 2025
- Abstract Acceptance Notification: April 1, 2025
Abstract Structure
The abstracts must be written in English and must address the Congress theme(s). The maximum length of an abstract is 3,000 characters (including spaces, abstract title, authors, affiliations and e-mails). References are not recommended but are allowed. If present, they must follow APA-style, be cited in the main body and listed at the end. Graphic elements are not allowed. It is highly discouraged to request changes to an abstract that has already been approved for submission. Please ensure that your abstract is thoroughly proofread before submission.
Abstract Submission
To complete your submission, fill out the form and assign your abstract to one of the sessions, which are thematically organized into four main Congress themes. Indicate your preferred presentation format (oral or poster) in the form. Poster presentations could include a short oral introduction (approximately 2 minutes) during the designated session, and the posters will also be displayed on panels. A special time slot is reserved for the poster discussion in the Congress program. One participant can be the first author of a maximum of one oral and one poster presentation.
Submitting for Review
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the session conveners to which they are assigned. Please note that the conveners reserve the right to reassign your abstract to a different symposium if it aligns better with its thematic focus or, if it does not meet the required scientific standards, to decline it. General criteria for accepting the abstract include relevance to the session topic, scientific merit, and originality. You must submit your abstract by February 28, 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted. Feedback from the reviewers will be provided by April 1, 2025.
Submission Confirmation
After submitting your abstract, you will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive confirmation, please contact the Congress organizers, at:
Next Steps
If your abstract is accepted, you need to register for the Congress and pay the required fees. Please note, that abstract submission and conference registration are separate processes. Acceptance of your abstract does not automatically register you for the conference. If an accepted abstract is not accompanied by the presenting author’s timely registration and payment (by June 30, 2025), it will be excluded from publication in the Book of Abstracts, despite its initial acceptance.
Publication of Abstracts
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts as an eBook, and will be published at the congress website (with ISBN and DOI).
Declaration of Consent to Publication, Copyright Assignment and GDPR Policy
By submitting an abstract, the authors agree to the following terms:
Authors confirm that this abstract has been thoroughly reviewed prior to submission and that all provided information is accurate. Submission signifies consent to its publication on the Congress website, Congress application and inclusion in the Book of Abstracts. The submitter affirms and guarantees that they are the sole owner or have obtained the necessary rights to all information and content submitted. Furthermore, the publication of the abstract does not violate any third-party rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights.
The abstract submitter grants the congress organisers a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive licence to use, reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the content. The organisers reserve the right to exclude any abstract from publication if it fails to comply with these conditions. The corresponding author assumes responsibility for communicating the abstract’s status to all co-authors.
By submitting an abstract authors agree that Congress Organizers may communicate via email, post or other methods with important messages relating to the Congress. By submitting an abstract the authors agree that their name, affiliation, e-mail and country will be included in the Book of Abstracts and in the Congress Programme, and will be published at the Congress website. The authors data will never be sold or shared with external parties.
The information and personal data collected during the abstract submission process is necessary to provide the authors with an optimal user experience and networking opportunities during IALE Congress 2025. Without this information, we will be unable to properly process the abstract submission. The recipients of the data are organizers´ staff managing the Congress and session conveners.
Indicative Congress Fee
All presenting authors, including session organizers, must register and pay to attend the Congress. The expected Congress fee is between 390 and 500 EUR. The fee will cover participation in sessions, lunches, coffee breaks, the social event and mid-congress excursions. Reduced fee will be available for PhD students, and IALE members. The final fee structure will be published when registration opens in April 2025.